Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Every Phil needs a Tony

I started out on this project as a last minute crew member for a night shoot at the Roostercat, location of our first episode and recent host location of our Kickstarter premiere. When I arrived on set I met this enthusiastic cast and crew so excited to finally be filming this story they had all fallen head over heels for. 

As it turns out, one could say they all had a little bit of Phil in them. They have a desire to go all out as filmmakers in Denver, Colorado. Their aspirations elevated by the story they were so excited to finally start telling.

Over the course of the next several months production was a bit slow, lots of opportunities dried up, things just couldn't happen. Not being involved in the planning phases, and being busy with my kids for the summer, I honestly thought nothing of it. Only near the end of the summer did I learn more about the challenges of putting on a show with no budget, how close they have gotten only to miss out on yet another chance to nail a shoot.

It occurred to me that this cast and crew of mini-Phils needed a Tony. You see, as washed up and sleazy as Tony may be, he always gives Phil an opportunity to shine. Be it an audition, in front of a camera, or just flat out stealing another actor's role, Tony wheels and deals until something becomes available for Phil, every episode. 

This story, the Art of Acting Out, needed more chances to shine. So, I put it upon myself to do everything I could to ensure that this cast and crew had the opportunity to get a production day lined up and start shinning.  It was time to find out if I could be this crew's Tony.

It was not just I, though. Everybody in the crew got tired of being a pushover Phil, and started finding the Tony in them. This led to a production packed October that seemed nothing short of a miracle. Weekend after weekend we landed big productions. Every potential shoot had moments that could have led to yet another missed chance. Collectively, we managed to weasel our way into more sealed deals. Instead of accepting defeat, we found ways to create another chance to set up, shoot, and shine. 

The results have led us to a fine tuned production powerhouse. We constantly impress new crew and cast additions that join us for the first time.

Now I want to ask everyone out there who has a little bit of Phil in them to look in the mirror, deep into themselves, and see if they can't find a bit of Tony.  If you do, why don't you help give us a chance to shine? Consider backing us at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1543547486/the-art-of-acting-out-kickstarter-campaign

Jeremiah Zentz
Assosciate Producer-the Art of Acting Out

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